Couples/relationship counselling is a means of resolving problems and conflicts that couples have not been able to handle effectively on their own. It involves both partners sitting down with a trained professional to discuss their thoughts and feelings. The aim is to help them gain a better understanding of themselves and their partner, to decide if they need and want to make changes, and if so, to help them to do so.

People seek therapy for a range of problems. Every couple is different. Some of the most common complaints include lack of communication, frequent or constant arguments, unfulfilled emotional needs, financial concerns, sexual issues, and conflicts about children or extended family.

Some couples seek help as a result of a crisis in the relationship, such as an affair or apparent loss of affection and caring, or a traumatic event, such as an illness or loss in the family. Whatever the issues may be, the counsellor’s role is to facilitate a constructive conversation so that the partners may come to better understand each other and to reconnect with each other.